It is common to hear many people talking about having dreams, big dreams ! There are also people who do not say good about dreaming towards successful life.
I am not talking about dream as those images or events you see when you are asleep. The dream I am talking about carries the definition provided by
"A dream is A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration"
You can see that from the definition above, we all need dreams. We need to have an aspiration because this will:
- Give us a reason to move forward despite the problems and challenges we face because we know our dream
- Help us control our resources as we know where we are going
- Help make choices that relate to our dream
- Help us to have reason to live and do better everyday
But the dreams alone will not take you anywhere if you don't have strategy to realize them. Here is what you can do to realize your dreams
- Believe in your dream, because if you don't have faith in your dream who else will believe it ?
- You don't really need other people to believe in your dream, remember there may be objection from every corner- family, friends, partners etc
- Have required knowledge and skills to realize the dream, for example if your dream is to become a freelance IT consultant then learn the specific IT field that you want to get involved in
- Start, do what is necessary, don't hesitate to try even if you fail, you will have a lesson towards realizing your dream
- On the way, you may learn ways to adjust your dream, we all face challenges
Keep on dreaming, dream big because this may be what really gives you a reason to live !