In our pursuit of personal freedom we encounter certain situations/things which pull us back, and it is time now to know them, learn how we fight them and move forward. Personal freedom is possible, the success you desire is attainable.
1: Your effort to learn: May be you are little lazy to read articles, posts or news that will inspire you to sharpen your efforts towards improving your life. May be you are too busy or too afraid to learn new fields of study, you stick with your current level of education. Some of us think our levels of education say certificate, diploma, or degree is enough to make us call ourselves educated!
2: Not trusting yourself: It may sound strange how you don’t trust yourself, but this is true. Sometimes you think some dreams are too big for you while they may not if you really commit yourself to achieve them. Sometimes this distrusting yourself is caused by your history of failure, or your parents, or your friends that you ask yourself who are you to make it.
3:Not having SMART Dream/Goal: Yes, you might have graduated and now you have a job. What exactly you want to achieve with your job? Or is it just a normal way of keeping you alive, waking up go to work, waiting to receive your pay check (salary) at the end of the month. You have a business but what exactly you want to achieve with your business. We know that primary aim of having a business or job give is to earn income, but earning income is not a clear goal. Ok you may say you want income to buy certain stuff at home, but is this real a clear goal?. Are you able to measure whether you achieving your dream or not, are you able to clarify your goal, does your dream/goal have a time frame- saying like you want to achieve this by X time or so ? Is that goal relevant to your success? Can you attain the goal/dream within the time frame you have set for yourself and with the resources that you can mobilize?
4: Not having sound strategies to achieve what you want: For instance you dream to have a successful business, it is clear that without sound management, competent and committed staff and business leaders your business will not succeed, yet you don’t invest in acquiring competent and committed staff what do you expect ? You want to be business leader for your business but you don’t have what it takes, and you lazy to learn. You don’t invest in marketing, and even the type of business and location of your business isn’t suitable, but yet you expect to succeed. Another example you dream to be professional athlete or dream to work abroad but your international language skills are poor, and you are not competent in your field. You apply for a job, but your application letter is poorly written, you don’t know how to take interview professionally.
5: Not having budget: You know that you have so many items that you must pay for to mention a few; rent, car expenses, clothes, transport expenses, medical expenses, education, food, entertainment, communication, may be debt to repay, and investment in business of your choice. But when you have your income you forget how many your needs are, and you care to satisfy only the immediate one – the ones that come around in your head at that particular moment. It is wise to write down list of items you need, arrange them in order of their urgency and importance then compare your income with such needs. This is how you budget!
The blame game:
6: Fear of starting: You might have fear that things will not work out the way you plan hence loss of your time and other resources, or you may fear that people will laugh at you when you it doesn’t work out. Sometimes, other people’s success make you fear that you are not too fit enough to succeed because the successful people you know seem to have character or resources which you don’t have. I am telling you today, if you had time to talk to those people they would tell you the failures they had gone through, the challenges they had to face. So, step up go ahead, don’t worry want comes around because if you committed enough and you have passion and smart goal, you will be there even if you know you there are challenges in the way. Even Microsoft, DELL and APPLE companies had some failures on their way to their success.