Thursday, 5 July 2012

Discovery of God particle Higgs boson
Photo by CERN
It was proposed over 40 years ago that a particle named Higgs boson after the professor who proposed its existence (Prof. Peter Higgs) was responsible for how matters obtain their masses.
A friendly reminder of definition of matter;
                      "A matter is anything which occupies space and has mass".

On Wednesday, July 4, 2012  The European Organization for Nuclear Research, announced to the world its preliminary results of long time research on Higgs boson particle.

Press Association reports:
Scientists today hailed the "momentous" discovery of what appears to be the "God particle" that gives matter mase s and holds the fabric of the universe together.
Teams at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the £2.6 billion atom smashing machine near Geneva, say they have found a new sub-atomic particle "consistent" with the Higgs boson.
The results are preliminary and more work is needed before the scientists can be sure of what "species" of particle they have captured.

But observations carried out so far show it looks and acts like the long-sought particle that has eluded them for 50 years

According to scientists who spoke to international media , the discovery of the new particle is historic. Some compared it to the Columbus discovery of America, while others compared it to the DNA discovery while other scientists said the discovery is as big as when men reached moon for the first time.

The news of Higgs boson like particle discovery where CERN claims it has 99.99% that is Higgs, reminds us that scientists are busy in understanding many of the facts that we still don't know. Scientists claim that they have obtain cure for cancer.