Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Adam and Even in Paradise
Imagination of Adam and Eve in Paradise
There is a famous story of Adam and Eve (Hawa) in the holy books, all suggesting that Adam and Eve expressly received instruction from the God, not to one of the trees in the paradise. God even warned them that if they do eat it they will become wrongdoers.
( You can go review the story from the link Masjid al -Muslimiin: CLICK HERE  or read from

So, the story goes on saying despite the warning from God, the two ate the fruit after accepting a lie from Satan.  What is nice from this story is that it shows people have the power, the power of making choices whether to do the right things or wrong things. 

Because, Adam and Eve, had the choice to follow what they were told by God, or to do what Satan wanted them to do. During the trial with Satan, you wouldn't expect Adam and Eve to turn to God and ask for more power so that they would say no to Satan.  
How would they turn to God, while he already gave them the power to make choice ? 

That's the great power we have, the power to make choice of doing it right or wrong. Despite the  difficulties in our lives, despite the challenges and shortcomings, we have to remember, we have the choice to do what is right for ourselves and those around us. 

And nothing comes without consequences, both the good and the bad have their ways to pay us back. From the story of Adam and Eve, their poor choice, did cost them to be thrown away from paradise.

It is up to us now to exercise well this power. Remember this :
“People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” Norman Vincent Peale.
 And this:
 “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi