Monday, 20 August 2012

5 ways college qualification is bad for you

1.  Limit you on what to think: 

For instance you are an economist, you may want to create a solution of a certain problem in economic terms, not  focusing other aspects of a problem. Or because you are a computer guy you may think the only way out to a certain challenge you are facing will come from your computer field of knowledge.

2.  Limit your other options: 

You may be a good cook, a good athlete, a good writer, a good composer, an artist but because your current profession is not what you are good at, you miss alot of opportunities that you could have got if you pursued your area of interest and competence. 

Another way in which academic qualifications may limit your options and opportunities is on what kind of personal investment you can make, instead of looking at what customers want, or what will hit in the market, you will first look at what your qualification is as if you were taught that you can never learn something new. 
For example, if you are not in agriculture and you first hear from  about opportunities in Agriculture business, you may tell yourself something like " aah but I am don't have knowledge of agriculture"

3.  Make you tied on your own trap: 

Because you think you have qualification in a certain field, you may make mistake of thinking you all that you should be to succeed in life and that changing the way you think or the way you were taught, is not right. 

This may not benefit you because either the information you have through your qualification may be outdated, or you may fail to apply the knowledge properly to the circumstance that you are in. 

This is one of the reason that projects/organizations fail because the decision makers are failed by their own qualifications as they find themselves hard to accept new realities.

4.  Make you think you are not fit: 

Academic qualifications give us labels like you are an accountant, you are an engineer, you are system administrator, all these labels may get into our way of thinking about what we are capable of doing and what we are not capable of doing. Though we need specialization, the specialization idea does not involve making you think you are less than others. 

If you want to have another qualifications you can do it. A good example is one of Johnie blog fan, Mr. Victor Joseph, who is doing Bachelor degree in commerce (accounting), he saw that he can also do computer programming, and one of his work is the on line shop website called Beeble

5. Repetion and Common Sense: 

Some academic qualifications involve repetition of lower of the same qualifications like most of Master of Business Administration degrees involve courses taught in bachelor business degrees. Other examples involve those courses in Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma.

Other courses teach many things of common sense or things that you would understand on your own by reading several materials in the books and on the internet. So, if you are thinking of becoming a full time self employed you would need to think twice on what courses you want to study and why. 

Though you would just go for qualifications in order to get a good job, you should think twice about the longterm use and challenges ahead of you. 

You may also consider non certificate courses offered by a number of colleges around the world to boost your knowledge effectively. 

It is good if you have an academic qualification, but what is more important is not what qualification like degree or diploma that you have, but what you do with in your life with  that qualification you have.
Life is not only about making money, is about happiness and satisfaction. 

Does the qualification you have help you find meaning of life, does it help you 'do something' in your life and lives of others ? 

Does it help you be free or you are still prisonner of mind ?

So, stop being victim of the college/university qualifications. Focus on what you are trully capable of doing, learn your passion, determine ways you can make it better. Learn as much as you can on the area of your interest, have mentor or mentors to help you sharpen your vision.

I don't discourage academic qualifications, what I mean in this article is for us to check it again, whether our qualifications bring any meaning to our lives or not. 
I also hold qualifications, in Computer , Business, Management and Accounting, I work hard to see the knowledge I got from those qualifications make sense to my life.