Friday, 24 August 2012

Building a business empire

Key Business Success FactoMany people can start businesses, but not everyone can build successful businesses- the businesses that are not only successful, but also empires that live for a long time.

For whatever type of business, blogging, service delivery or manufacturing you need to have certain characteristics if you want to succeed.
The people who are in charge of starting and keeping BUSINESS alive and functional need to have the following characteristics:


Committed to see that the objectives of the BUSINESS are met, by ensuring that they are available for BUSINESS’s activities without unreasonable excuses. These people are committed enough to put first before their personal interests, the interest of the BUSINESS and targeted (customers).

Entrepreneurial skills

Innovative, creative and ready to take risks type of a guy is appropriate for making a person a successful BUSINESS manager.

To have a successful business is not only about having unique business idea or special expertize on producing your products, but also ability to understand and satisfy customers, plus the fact that business environment changes over time, you need to be innovative to change your products, processes and modes of service delivery.

A successful business person is able to anticipate changes, prepare for changes and take appropriate direction when changes happen because he or she can also take risk.

Management Skills

Management skills required to run BUSINESS include financial management skills, human resources management skills, project management skills, strategic management skills, IT management, marketing and procurement management skills.   

Successful BUSINESS manager is not necessarily the one with specialized knowledge in all of these areas of management, but should be familiar with such fields, having general understanding of some of areas management, and be specialized in one of those management areas mentioned.

It is therefore important if owner of a business doesn’t have management skills to find training or hire people with specialized expertise.  I recommend you read this article HOW TO GET EXPERTS CHEAPLY

Financial capacity

Financial ability to acquire information, build connections, pay for establishment costs like rent and electricity is needed to start a business.
Though on the way, there are chances of getting finances from external sources, over reliance on external sources may not do good for your business. A successful business person knows how to save for his or her own business, knows how to protect liquidity position of his or her business.


The founders /managers should set long term rewarding goals for the BUSINESS. They are supposed to create a picture of the business in the near and far future, to motivate and give direction to themselves and those around.

Knowledge of the business (products and processes)

It is not a must that the manager/founders be people of a specialized field in which the BUSINESS is dealing with – say it is not a must for an IT BUSINESS to be formed and managed by an IT guy, but it is necessary that the managers/founders have adequate knowledge of the challenge their BUSINESS is trying to face and solve.

The successful business person knows and search for experts to help with those areas which need specialized expertize while the successful business person himself or herself works hard to be familiar with the subject matter.


To establish and manage BUSINESS takes time and need commitment as explained above. Success or achievement of objectives of the BUSINESS may take a lot of time.
To go through all the hardship of managing the BUSINESS and serving customers, require people with passion of doing what they have to do.