Passion may mean a different thing for different situations and people. For this post, passion means "Strong and barely controllable emotion" - web definition
Before you continue to read this post, let us ask ourselves this question: Does it really matter to know your passion ?
The answer is Yes, especially when you want to do your own something in life like opening up your own business. Passion is important even for those who are employed because it is easy to find job satisfaction when you work in a job which is of your passion. However, passion is more important when you employ yourself. The late, Steve Jobs of Apple explained why passion is important for success in the following words:
"You need a lot of passion for what you're doing because its so hard. Without passion, any rational person would give up.
So if youre not having fun doing it, if you dont absolutely love it, youre going to give up. And thats what happens to most people, actually.
If you look at the ones that ended up being successful in the eyes of society, often times its the ones who love what they do, so they could persevere when it got really tough. And the ones that didnt love it, quit. Because theyre sane, right?
Who would put up with this stuff if you dont love it?
So its a lot of hard work and its a lot of worrying constantly.
If you dont love it, youre going to fail" .
This brings us to the question, how do we then understand our passion ? For many people it is hard to understand what their passion is , but finding out what is your passion is easy if you follow the following points:
1. What are you good at ?
The things you are good at might be your passion, sometimes it is difficult to know what things you are really good at. So, take your time, think deep, have a list of those projects, jobs, any other activity that you do your best.
As Leo Babauta of suggests, you should have have a list and analyze that list of what you are good at, to come up with the really activity that is your passion. You may also wish to consider asking your friends or other people that you know can give you honest opinion.
As Leo Babauta of suggests, you should have have a list and analyze that list of what you are good at, to come up with the really activity that is your passion. You may also wish to consider asking your friends or other people that you know can give you honest opinion.
2: What do you do with excitement/what excites you ?
Another way of understanding what is your passion, is to recall what you really do with excitement. The things or activity that make you feel happy to do. One way to do this is to recall what are your hobbies. Consider your current job, what excites you, or consider what you do besides job. You may also be employed yourself, but still consider what really excites you in that business you do.
3: What do you read /what do you watch or listen most ?
The things you read or watch the most, might give you a clue of what you really like to do or what you might be good at. Consider specifically what information you are interested in when you read, watch or listen.Your passion might be there !
4: What you always dreamed of ? May be you have several wishes in your life, have a list of these wishes, and take a close look of how you can rank them. May be in that dream you have is what your passion lies.
Important things to note when trying to understand your passion:
Honest: It requires time and true assessment of your past, present and your future, and for this assessment to be meaningful, you need to be honest of yourself. If you ask other people to help you in some cases, like their opinion on what you are good at, make sure you get the honest people for this work.
Making use of your passion: It may require time and resources to do things of your passion, but one thing for sure you don't need is Fear. Start with what you have, start small whenever possible, and find better ways to improve it.
Steve Jobs talking about Passion