Wednesday, 28 March 2012

To day , I want to share with you guys an email from Peter Sinclair of He is great author, and I am subscriber  to his eNewsletter. Here is this week's letter :
Dear John,
There are many who dream, but fewer who do.
There are many who imagine, and yet there are fewer who ever translate that which they have imagined into action.
Make certain that you don't simply build castles in the air, but rather forge firm foundations in the real world so that life can be breathed into those magnificent creations that have been formed in your mind.
Good intentions are just that - good intentions.
Choose to stand up as a leader in your niche by transforming those good intentions into good inventions.
But in order to do that, there are a few techniques that you may need to develop.
 1. Dream Transfer
Firstly dream. Don't be afraid to dream BIG dreams.
However, don't just talk about your dreams.
Spend the time and the energy to start recording those dreams. Transfer them from your mind into some form of recorded format - whether it is in text, pictures, audio or video. Present it back to yourself in the medium that best suits you.
The simple process of capturing the dream from your mind will position you as a 'have done' rather than a 'gunna do'.
Personally, I keep a journal that I refer to on a regular basis to review my dreams. The journal in fact keeps me accountable, and through the power of recording applies gentle pressure on myself to take my dreams to the next level.
2. Begin
The reason many dreams never come to pass is attributed to one simple fact.
People fail to begin.
Having been in business now for decades, there are some common threads that are featured with every start up I have been involved with.
When I start any business I don't know everything. I don't have everything in place. I don't even really know whether I will succeed or fail.
Now don't misunderstand me. I do my research. I check my figures. I explore my clientele. I target my market. I assess the viability. But there is still always an unknown.
The one other common denominator that I add to the mix is this: I simply begin.
By beginning I am prepared and confident that I can address and overcome every challenge that will appear.
By simply beginning - a momentum is created that carries me forward towards success.
While others are still talking about going into business for themselves, I've already begun and profited from the venture.
3. Finish
Many are they that start to fulfil their dreams, but fewer are they who finish.
Fulfil your word. Complete the task.
Of course some dreams will take longer to come to pass than others. Sometimes other dreams may need to be aborted or even replaced. Simple dreams may suddenly explode into expanded dreams.
No matter what happens, develop the habit of finishing by making a list each day and completing it.
Detours, delays, and even denials are all a part of life's journey - but don't leave things hanging.
Finish. Finish. Finish.
4. Be The Imagineer
Don't allow others to be the engineers constructing your life.
You be the imagineer. You be the one who taps into your own personal imagination. You be the one who takes those thoughts and translates them into imagin-action.
Be confident in your own dreams. Believe in the dream school of your mind. Tap into your creativity. Present it to the world. Risk failure. Dare success.
Live beyond the extraordinary, and see what wonderful dreams will come to pass in your life.
So how have you recently turned your imagination into imagin-action?
Be blessed!
Peter G. James Sinclair