Dear fan of Johnie Blog,
From March 23, 2012 the slogan of this blog has changed from “Make Vision clear, add Value” to “In pursuit of Personal Freedom”. The reason behind this change is the big change we have made on the strategic direction of this blog.
The Make Vision clear, add value slogan was behind the mission of the blog that; it will provide information to its readers on how to improve their visions about life and provide techniques and resources to help them add value to the productive activities that they are engaged in. This was accomplished by providing pages for sources of different information that viewers were able to access. There were pages for Resources for Individuals and Resources for Organizations. Many articles in this blog since November last year have been on vision, productivity and value addition.
We have identified that there is something more important than just shaping personal or organizational vision, or adding value to what people do. This something more is: Personal Freedom.
We at Johnie Blog and most of viewers of Johnie Blog are in search of personal freedom. We shape our vision; we thrive to add value to what we do so that we can achieve personal freedom which can bring true personal happiness. Knowing this, Johnie Blog comes with a new strategic direction; a tip of that new strategic direction is the new slogan “In pursuit of Personal Freedom”.
To achieve personal freedom a person needs many things including free mind, financial freedom and open mind.
The new strategic direction for Johnie Blog requires that this blog to provide information that will support creation of free minds, provide techniques and information that directs how to achieve personal freedom and be endowed with information that open minds of its readers.
Dear fan, the new strategic direction only aims at bringing to you best articles on creativity, innovation, personal development and success, financial principles and trends, new developments in technology, social life, networking and strategic management.
Remember, Johnie Blog gets bigger and improved day by day. We compete with no one but ourselves as we know we can be better than we are today.
For Johnie Blog
John G. Myungire