Tuesday, 6 December 2011

In November:

We discussed about the college/university qualifications and how they may be a problem to us instead of helping us. In that post we explained how you having a certain qualification may find yourself in trouble moving forward and make better and happy life. But in the end we saw suggestions on how to change that situation. 

We discussed what is vision , why an individual needs vision and what to watch if you want to sharpen and make your vision brighter. We saw the things or situations that may affect the way we vision our lives. 

Normally we would ask ourselves, what should we do to achieve success ? Why our lives are not the way we  wanted them to be. How then we can move from where we are and be where we want to be? In the post Golden Rule, we get  a brief but comprehensive guideline on what to do. Simply I - KNOW - ACT, this is the golden rule. Read More Here

Passion is defined as  "Strong and barely controllable emotion" - web definition. They say it is very important to have passion in what we do so that we achieve the most out of it. But the question is , How do we know our individual passion ? In the article Finding Your Passion and Let it Work For You, we discuss the easy straight forward ways to understand our individual passion. 

Almost in every continent of the world citizens are complaining about their governments. The story that governments are not doing what citizens want them to do is not a new thing. From developed countries like USA and UK, to developing countries like Tanzania.
But all this should not affect your personal development or your business /NGO. You must watch yourself, instead of complaining only, find ways to improve your own life. How can you do that ? 

Yes, you may have the desire and you actually work hard to make life better for yourself and everybody around you. Though it is a good thing to do that, for you to do it efficiently and effectively you need to know that things will not always turn to be the way you want them to be. 
How ?